Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Business and Calories

PERSONAL: Went to a Christmas party tonight...finally...and it was sponsored by a Radio Station and I was nominated and so my daughter and family and I went and the DJ liked me! IT makes me feel kind of good, he was purposely obvious too. I had a good time though, played some bowling and some games and ate tons of pizza. I realize though I don't have time to date...I mean between Liz, Work, School and Business and soon Church & Rec Activities. I have no time!

BUSINESS: I Am not sure if I mentioned this but I am starting another business...yes I know I already have two but this is different. I enjoy all my businesses and I am going to work hard at all of them. They all take time. Sigh. But I have Faith in all of them.

WORK: Finally done training! Today was an optional day to go and I went half day because well when you are Single Mom and no matter what you need money!

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