Did what you ask? I hired a Life Coach, if you would like to learn more about her, her Blog is posted on the right side appropriately titled "Real Speaks."
After mentioning in my post the last time, I actually thought about it and then I remembered that I had been networking with one recently and I e-mailed her and asked her some questions and I decided, she could help me get my life on track. She is after all a Life Coach plus I really feel she can give me the support I need. So, we are setting up a date to schedule an Initial Consultation. This may sound silly but I am actually nervous. We will be interacting once a week about issues I need help resolving and figuring out. She is a really Smart and Successful Work at Home Mom and I would really love her guidance.
I had also quit my Coaching for Internet website SingleMomConnection.com. I just do not have time to understand and fill my head with the information on getting Traffic. I do love the ladies who had helped me but I know I will be back later. This is something I need to digest on my own with articles and such and then when I began to understand what I am learning return to the Internet Marketing website.
My Online Classes so far are ok. I am doing good in my Business class but bad in my Music class. I know, I know, I need to get on the ball and I am working towards it.
My Sponsor for AMP is going to help me Organize and straighten out things in my basement apartment.
It is really sad that I have no support from my family, not even with College! And you wonder why I always seek out Positive Influences?
I will probably be getting assistance with Child Care. It is impossible to save money, pay rent & child care and be able to afford a Car and move out.
I also applied to the company I have been Temping for since October and I recieved an e-mail confirmation that I am just NOT what they are looking for. Well you know what! They are not what I am looking for either! So, I am going to start actively looking for work while I am still Temping till I can get AMP off the ground.
I had applied for two jobs via web. I am hoping to hear from them some time this week.