Sunday, January 16, 2005


Well, I have not been doing well. By that I mean I have been trying to poison my body with Junk Food. I am supposed to be doing BETTER for the new year! Plus, I haven't exercised at all. So I can feel myself gaining all this weight and feel like I have no energy, tired and just gross. I don't even do my hair anymore.

The only thing I concentrate on is by AmeriPlan Business, Online College and taking care of my daughter.

I have been thinking seriously about the World Events and such and how it seems close to the world coming to end. All the events play in Relevation in The Bible. Which makes me think "why should I make myself better?" I am still putting alot of work into AmeriPlan but I just feel disgusted with myself. I am maybe lost and confused.

I never realized how impossible it is to get a Bible. I think I will buy one Online since I buy everything Online. To feel Protected and Prepared. Also I don't consider any religion a good religion. AND that is my HONEST Opinon!

I thought I would get my room organized and I haven't. Maybe I need a Life Coach! I will do a search on that too. I already know a Life Coach, someone I network with, I e-mailed her with some questions.

I love the fact that they have a Coach/Mentor for everything nowadays. I just hate men right now too. I don't want to be with anyone, very much less date. I could have had a date with this DJ from the radio station that my mom insanely listens to and well I never e-mailed him back. I am thinking "So, I am supposed to date this guy because he is a DJ?" and my mom says look at how much Networking you could do.I don't depend on people to give me things and I like it that way, especially MEN.

Well Online Schooling is doing OK. I am finding it impossible to get my daughter to cooperate with me so I can have more time to get work done.

I am really considering hiring a Life Coach.

Well I asked my sponsor to help me out in my apartment so I can get more organized. She said she would.

More Later


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