Thursday, January 20, 2005

Life Coach......Job Interview........Temp Work

I know, I know, I am tardy to all those that have been following along...well I have TONS of news..

I HIRED A LIFE COACH. Yes, she is smart, successful and she gives great advice. Everything went so fast though! I mean, first I e-mailed her questions and then we did the initial free session and NOW she is MY LIFE COACH. A Life Coach is someone who pretty much helps you get into the right direction in life. There are plenty of more detailed ways of describing what a Life Coach does for you but they are great if you are in a RUT and REALLY want to CHANGE Your LIFE for the BETTER. Anyway, our schedule is talking every Wednesday and then I "check in" with follow-ups and how I am progressing.

Job Interview- Yes, I had a Great Job Interview to be a Sales Person. Yay! I JUST LOVE SALES! This will be my first if I am hired. I have only worked in Customer Service and now I found something to where I will not only be permanent but I will be making .50 more. Well, he said I would know within a week if I am able to come back for a second interview and if I am hired training starts February 14th. Right now as a Temp I make $10.50 so a little pay raise will be great! Speaking of being a Temp...

We were notified today that they will extend our stay as associates for the company in FSA accounts. Cool too, it could give me a couple of months to find a Job if I am not hired.

Well, my business has slowed down a bit...I have not been able to JUMP on it like I had planned. BUT I WILL.

Also I haven't quit eating. I will go to the grocery store and by $20 in junk food. What is the matter with me? I can feel the fat growing on my chin, thighs and stomach. The new year is supposed to be a NEW Me. I am just tired and worn down. Why am I doing this to myself?

1 comment:

Admin said...

Congrats on getting a life coach.