Sunday, February 27, 2005

Diet .......Budget

I am TIRED of feeling the way I feel! I am going to start dieting by controlling my eating habits and then eventually breaking down and doing some exercise.

AS it was a New Years Resolution, I need to go through with it! We are at the end of February already.

Diet is NOT a Bad Word. Diet means controlling your eating habits and it doesn't matter if you are fat or thin everyone needs to DIET by eating healthy.

I, myself had purchased some generic weight loss shakes and will be using them as a meal replacement for lunch time at work.

I am also working on another one of my New Years Resolution Goals by Saving Money so I can have a Car. I am also looking into part-time employment.

I had also FOUND A PERMANENT JOB! Which was one of my New Years Resolutions for 2005.

So I am slowly getting off of my feet to achieve my new goals. :)

Sunday, February 20, 2005


I know, I am usually more in tune with posting every day but lately I have been just plain ole tired...from working and doing this and that etc...

Right now in my thoughts of thoughts I am deciding a new approach to my life. Am I going through depression? Is that why I am no longer motivated?

I had finally got a permanent new Job with a company's main source of business is Marketing...PERFECT! I like My Job, it has benefits and pay is ok for a Single Mom.

Before that I had a bad temp Job with no future.

Now My Main Focus, most of the time is My Daughter and MY Business. I have not had any luck in sales and I have had no experience in Sales which makes it a little diffcult for me to achieve Success in My Business. But My World is surrounded by the Sales Industry if you look at my Major in College which is Marketing; My New Job is all about Marketing a certain product that you see in an late night infomercial (I am doing Customer Service aspect because of lack of Sales Experience).

But now...I am dragging and I feel helpless...and I am letting just life bring me is a horrible feeling! I am usually on the up and up! Sigh. I don't know and I hope things change in the next couple of days.

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I Love My Job!

Yesterday was my first day! I love it! I have Benefits and I am Permanent! But I am still working towards my goal of Financial Indepedence!


Sunday, February 06, 2005

2005 Resolutions

This is a New Year and I would like to make some drastic changes in my life. I had not started and it is already February! So, like they say write it down and your are mostly likely to do it whatever it is you want to do! The TIME IS NOW!

2005 New Year Resolutions:

1) Find a Permanent Job

2) Save Money to Buy a Car

3) Save Money

4) Exercise 5 Times a Week

5) Eat more Fruits & Veggies and other Healthful Foods

6) *Work on Health Care Business at least 10 Hours a Week

7) Start Reading again

8) Organization

9) Began Cooking with New Recipes

10) Network more with People in My Area


12) Take Better Care of Myself & My Daughter

13) Study more for Online Classes

I will be working on these Goals Daily and will note My Progress via Blog.

Friday, February 04, 2005

The Bible

The more horrible things about this World that I hear, the more I want to protect My Daughter and Myself for The End.

It depresses Me when I hear the horrible things that happen. I decided I am going to start reading the Bible and then probably, eventually go to Church. I am not very good Spiritually right now but as one of my Challenges, I am working on it. The reason I chose to is because I know God exists and maybe he feels I do not acknowledge him but I am very confused.

All signs in Revelation point to the World Coming to an End. I have thought of doing a Blog based on my thoughts of the Bible but decided not to because they are between me and God and the World already exposes Religion enough. If you think of the recent movies, products and books for sale, I don't think it was His Intention for Us to Market Products based on the Nature of God.

I believe The Bible is the only REAL Truth that speaks of God. I have no faith in Religion, and yes I did say I would go to Church but you never know which would hold the true knowledge of God plus I also said I am working on my Spiritual issues.

I am very excited for Armageddon. It will be the end of all Evil in the World. I had first had some issues of that happening but I do not want to be "attached" to this wicked world.


Finally I have a Permanent Job! I have waited for over three months and I finally think I found one! The Company finally called me back and told Me they have an Opening for Me. I am so excited. The Temp Job I am doing I really feel like is dragging me down! I have a FUNNY Story to share bearing this news.

Well here is what happened today, I was at work as usual and one of the Team Leads walked up to me and told me I had a Job Interview with their Company! Boy, was I EXCITED and caught off guard. Well, time came and I was at the Interview and they had started interviewing me and then the first question that they had asked me was "So, what is your experience with Call Center work?" and I had straight up told them that this abc company was the first place I had done Call Center work before. Then the interview stopped. Because in order to work for abc company you need to have at least one year call center experience. I wasn't supposed to be a Temp for this position but the Agency let me work for abc company anyway! So the agency knew but the company didn't. So they told me in a year I could reapply and have my experience for the position. I shook their hands and thanked them then left the room and went back to work. Funny story!

My First thought was how funny one moment you have an Job Opportunity in your hands and then the next moment it disappears! So, I was a little upset but glad it was over with and then I had some actual GOOD NEWS!

The Company I had went for a Job Interview (twice by the way) had finally called me TWICE and told me they had a possible Job for Me! I am so happy!

Tuesday, February 01, 2005

Mommy Advice

I swear it was a miracle. My babysitter read my mind. I had been having problems getting my daughter to bed the approproiate time. I had been overworked and tired and the sitter just asked me if I was having problems getting her to bed at night. I was thinking my mother had something to do with it and the babysitter continually said no.

Anyway, I did everything she said. Play with her and then plan a quiet hour and then lay her down to sleep in her Crib with no bottle. Well, the first three options worked except not giving her the bottle. I know, I know. Shame on Me. This is the first time I put her in her Crib and it worked! But I think it worked because when she was a baby my mom put her in the crib next to her and she also sleeps in the crib at the babysitters.

Being a Single Mom is hard. I am too tired to visit with her after work and I just need to discipline her more and spend more time with her. Today I did really well with my baby girl.