Monday, January 31, 2005

Business Opportunities

Business Opportunities now a days are just turning into that Business Opportunities with no information behind them and it is making people rich by taking advantage of people like us who want to be break out of the 9-5-rat-race-no-recognition b.s.

I have been a victim to it and I am sure many of you have. I am also admittingly a former Business Opportunity Junkie too so I have seen the crap they put out there.

My question is, how can someone take advantage of someone else? Shouldn't you feel GUILTY? Right now I am currently working with a Discount Health Care Company called Ameriplan. I like it and I haven't heard anything bad about it. I help those who cannot get Health Insurance which is the majority in the USA. Over 45 million to be exact. My point is I wouldn't have joined if the product were bad.

I am out to sell a GOOD SERVICE not a Business Opportunity to potential clients and/or customers.

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Internet Gurus & Celebrities

On the Internet is so a little bit easier to become a Famous Guru with the right kind of press release and Info Product. With high search engine traffic and the proper copyrighting you can become an Internet Celebrity! Amazing isn't?

I bring this up because I see it alot on the Web. The Cyberworld is a whole other place and with Internet Talk Radio and Video Conferencing via the Web it makes it easier to Network and to communicate quicker.

We have Famous Gurus for Getting more Traffic, we have Internet Models such as Cindy Margolis then we have famous people within Communities like WAHM (Work at Home Moms) who also have their own appeal.

The Internet has served a HUGE purpose for me. When I was 16 I obtained photographers for photo shoots. I have found my Life Coach on the Internet. My Home Business. It is endless to how the Internet has helped me.

I love Networking, especially on the Web.

Chasing Childhood Dreams

When are we too old to be chasing Childhood Dreams? Some people still persue Childhood Dreams in there 80s! Am I too old to be chasing my Childhood Dreams?

The reason why I ask is because I am a 22 year old Single Mom persuing a Home Business to be able to Work at Home and be with My Daughter. But, for Me, is that all there is? I mean yes it is a Wonderful thing but I also thought I would be a lot Fufilling Life and instead I went backwards in My Life and I am trying to move Myself forward again.

When I was 16 I wanted to Model, Act and Sing. Yes, I know it is 'typical' but who says I cannot still do those things? Is there a Law Book out there that I do not know about Persuing Childhood Dreams? I could work on my figure a little bit and maybe go and speak to agencies or audition for movies/TV on my own. I don't know.

I had been thinking about this since I noticed that a 'Mom' on the Web had began persuing her Dream of Recording and she runs her own Affiliate Website of where she makes Profit to be able to stay at home. Then, I also noticed my Upline who is now in the 100k is building a Recording Studio in her Home.

I believe we not only make money to not only be able to stay at Home with our beloved Children but also to make our Dreams come true!

I would really love to hear your feedback on the Subject.

Thank you


Saturday, January 29, 2005

Job Search.....again!

I am not sure if I am going to get the Job. I called and thanked the Employer for the interview. I still may have another week. I am sure if I am given the chance I can do really well in sales. My problem is I have a hard time expressing myself which makes me look like a fool especially during Job Interviews. I was quirky during the first interview, then I was even more Quirky during the second! Anyway I have to get my Resume out there some more and just keep pressing till I can get a permanent Job making a sufficient amount of money being a Single Parent.

I am still working diligently on my Home Business. I really enjoy it and I have learned alot. If you would like to learn more about how I am doing with my Home Business then you can read about it at my Blog . I have been focus too much on worrying and training and realize I need to take MORE Action with my Home Business especially if I plan on working from Home in a couple of years.

Right now I feel like I am at a state of confusion or I am in some kind of rut and I don't know why. I look around and I see all these people Succeeding and I Work on my Business as much as I can and I am just not doing as well. I have PLENTY of Ambition and Determination. "Giving Up" isn't even in my vocabulary. What is the issue then?
Maybe do I not have enough patience?

Shame on ME! I haven't been doing very well with my Online Classes. I know, I know I decided I am going to start taking my homework to Work. I work in a Call Center and when there is dead time I can read and I can also do it on my Breaks and Lunch. I am taking "Introduction to Business" and "Music Appreciation" I don't know if you can believe this but I think my Music Appreciation Class is harder!

I have learned and I know not to be so

in my Blog. I cannot help it. In the beginning I was more open but I know I can just stick to an general issue. I am trying to be an Intelligent Person that I am and not make myself look like a Fool ;) . But, for all those who do read my Blog(s). Thanks! Leave me a comment and I will check out yours!

It amazes me how wonderful these moms do on the web with their Home Businesses. I know it doesn't take overnight but some just follow all the steps and make it happen! I cannot wait till I can show the same Results.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Second Interview...

I had a second interview with the company and they told me I would find out in a week. Sigh, I have the Spirit to do Sales if given the chance. The Job is $11/HR and I need to let them know why they should not return the Product. I am really interested and since I am Marketing and I work in an MLM Company I know it would be Perfect for what I am doing now.

Well still working as a Temp. If I began working Permanently then I will start Training February 14th.

I am so happy though! My Mother and Brother surprised me by Organizing my room, it is such a relief now I just need to get some shelves.

I am so tired right now it is hard for me continue with my News. So I am going to sleep!


Thursday, January 20, 2005

Life Coach......Job Interview........Temp Work

I know, I know, I am tardy to all those that have been following along...well I have TONS of news..

I HIRED A LIFE COACH. Yes, she is smart, successful and she gives great advice. Everything went so fast though! I mean, first I e-mailed her questions and then we did the initial free session and NOW she is MY LIFE COACH. A Life Coach is someone who pretty much helps you get into the right direction in life. There are plenty of more detailed ways of describing what a Life Coach does for you but they are great if you are in a RUT and REALLY want to CHANGE Your LIFE for the BETTER. Anyway, our schedule is talking every Wednesday and then I "check in" with follow-ups and how I am progressing.

Job Interview- Yes, I had a Great Job Interview to be a Sales Person. Yay! I JUST LOVE SALES! This will be my first if I am hired. I have only worked in Customer Service and now I found something to where I will not only be permanent but I will be making .50 more. Well, he said I would know within a week if I am able to come back for a second interview and if I am hired training starts February 14th. Right now as a Temp I make $10.50 so a little pay raise will be great! Speaking of being a Temp...

We were notified today that they will extend our stay as associates for the company in FSA accounts. Cool too, it could give me a couple of months to find a Job if I am not hired.

Well, my business has slowed down a bit...I have not been able to JUMP on it like I had planned. BUT I WILL.

Also I haven't quit eating. I will go to the grocery store and by $20 in junk food. What is the matter with me? I can feel the fat growing on my chin, thighs and stomach. The new year is supposed to be a NEW Me. I am just tired and worn down. Why am I doing this to myself?

Monday, January 17, 2005

Well I did it!

Did what you ask? I hired a Life Coach, if you would like to learn more about her, her Blog is posted on the right side appropriately titled "Real Speaks."

After mentioning in my post the last time, I actually thought about it and then I remembered that I had been networking with one recently and I e-mailed her and asked her some questions and I decided, she could help me get my life on track. She is after all a Life Coach plus I really feel she can give me the support I need. So, we are setting up a date to schedule an Initial Consultation. This may sound silly but I am actually nervous. We will be interacting once a week about issues I need help resolving and figuring out. She is a really Smart and Successful Work at Home Mom and I would really love her guidance.

I had also quit my Coaching for Internet website I just do not have time to understand and fill my head with the information on getting Traffic. I do love the ladies who had helped me but I know I will be back later. This is something I need to digest on my own with articles and such and then when I began to understand what I am learning return to the Internet Marketing website.

My Online Classes so far are ok. I am doing good in my Business class but bad in my Music class. I know, I know, I need to get on the ball and I am working towards it.

My Sponsor for AMP is going to help me Organize and straighten out things in my basement apartment.

It is really sad that I have no support from my family, not even with College! And you wonder why I always seek out Positive Influences?

I will probably be getting assistance with Child Care. It is impossible to save money, pay rent & child care and be able to afford a Car and move out.

I also applied to the company I have been Temping for since October and I recieved an e-mail confirmation that I am just NOT what they are looking for. Well you know what! They are not what I am looking for either! So, I am going to start actively looking for work while I am still Temping till I can get AMP off the ground.

I had applied for two jobs via web. I am hoping to hear from them some time this week.


Sunday, January 16, 2005


Well, I have not been doing well. By that I mean I have been trying to poison my body with Junk Food. I am supposed to be doing BETTER for the new year! Plus, I haven't exercised at all. So I can feel myself gaining all this weight and feel like I have no energy, tired and just gross. I don't even do my hair anymore.

The only thing I concentrate on is by AmeriPlan Business, Online College and taking care of my daughter.

I have been thinking seriously about the World Events and such and how it seems close to the world coming to end. All the events play in Relevation in The Bible. Which makes me think "why should I make myself better?" I am still putting alot of work into AmeriPlan but I just feel disgusted with myself. I am maybe lost and confused.

I never realized how impossible it is to get a Bible. I think I will buy one Online since I buy everything Online. To feel Protected and Prepared. Also I don't consider any religion a good religion. AND that is my HONEST Opinon!

I thought I would get my room organized and I haven't. Maybe I need a Life Coach! I will do a search on that too. I already know a Life Coach, someone I network with, I e-mailed her with some questions.

I love the fact that they have a Coach/Mentor for everything nowadays. I just hate men right now too. I don't want to be with anyone, very much less date. I could have had a date with this DJ from the radio station that my mom insanely listens to and well I never e-mailed him back. I am thinking "So, I am supposed to date this guy because he is a DJ?" and my mom says look at how much Networking you could do.I don't depend on people to give me things and I like it that way, especially MEN.

Well Online Schooling is doing OK. I am finding it impossible to get my daughter to cooperate with me so I can have more time to get work done.

I am really considering hiring a Life Coach.

Well I asked my sponsor to help me out in my apartment so I can get more organized. She said she would.

More Later
