Friday, March 11, 2005

My First Goal

Become a Driver. AS in get a Car. I have waited 8 years to Drive. I bought my first Car-a 1982 VW Rabbit (Gosh it was so cute baby blue) when I was 16 for $300 and I did NOT have a Drivers License and then my (ex)Husband ended up driving my Car when I was married at 18.

Now, I got My Drivers License at 21 while attending Job Corps and NOW 22, I am trying to save up for a Car. Isn't that funny how Life works?

I am a little afraid of the road. I do not have really any experience at all. So, the first couple of months I do NOT dare drive with my Daughter.

I decided I am going to attend a Car Auction and purchase my next vehicle.

WHY My First Goal NOW?

1) IT will HELP ME Tremendously with my MLM Business and normal stuff in general

2) It is one of my New Years Resolution! My Second one.

3) I think it is necessary in Life to get around and run errands

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