Sunday, October 24, 2004

Business and Mom

First lets start with Mom, I Love her dearly. I got into a huge argument with her today about something you deep down knew I was right about. I realized I cannot live at home anymore and yesterday she discovered (by accident) the blog I had wrote about going back to Mexico instead of living here. And, yes, I felt bad and she wasn't suppose to see it but what can I do about it now? I am right now looking for another way to supplement my income in order to move out and have extra money for my daughter and I.

Speaking of...till my Dating website gets off the ground I was thinking of becoming a Distributor and selling on Ebay. I haven't ever done that and I would sure like to try. I sent away for the wholesale catalogs and they should be here in a couple of weeks. I love catalogs and I should be getting alot soon.

Well my friend who was going to Wendover with me cancelled. She has to have her surgery which she told me about before we made these plans. I am a little disappointed though. I just hope my other friend doesn't skip out on me on going to the Strip Club.

Well I am still in Training at Work and I take another test on Wednesday to see I am employable. I am nervous and this is the second test I have taken with this company. I will know by Thursday if I have the Job. I could really use this Job, if not then it is back to the drawing board. Which I already have a couple of Plan B's. I also have to call about Columbia College this week too so I can register for Late Fall.

More Later,

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