Thursday, December 30, 2004

Life Events and Changes

HOLIDAYS: I know everyone loves the Holidays but honestly after everything (being a Jehovah Witness and changing my views about things, I really don't care for them. I still celebrated but I just will be happy when the season goes away.

PERSONAL: The distaster around Asia is very depressing, everytime when I think about it and the other things that happen in the World I refer back to the Bible and its prophesy. It is a Taboo I think to talk to about that. Its scares people, hell it scares me. Between all the violence and all the natural distasters in this world I am freaking out. Personally in my life I have made a couple of friends, I am happy. A Business Venture brought us together. We all think and mesh the same. Also, my mom keeps insisting that I go out with the Radio DJ and he emailed me today! So, I may go on a date sometime soon. He keeps calling me "Hot" and "Sexy" and I am just so NOT into dating right now. Especially since that fling happened with my Ex from Job Corps.

EDUCATION: WELL, I went to go buy my other textbook for online College and two things happened. One, I lost my Debit Card and then the book is no longer for sale on the website. Classes start in less than two weeks and I need that other book. I emailed my college immediately and I hope I get a response after the holidays. I have the money and they don't have book!

WORK: Well, work is ok. Still competing being a "Temp" for a position. I finally applied to work permenantly but instead I have to play the "Temp" game and I am not going to play it with some temps that had been there before. Plus, I come back and train for this other department being told I will be there till March when really it is until the end of January. That is really unfair I think to put people through that much pressure and everytime when I try to talk to my mom about it she argues with me. But I am hoping in three months my business will take off. Plus, honestly I am not going to compete, it is not worth my time. I don't care how big the company is or how much more it will pay.

BUSINESS: I love my new business! It has given me so much hope for the future. I study and learn everyday more and more information and I haven't even recieved my Kit yet! Like I said above, I also finally met some friends! It is funny, one has the same name as I do and the other is the same age. I have some major goals for my new business for 2005. I hope they extend the promotion even longer. The $35 sign-up fee. It will help my business grow faster. I am looking for people who need Discount Health Care and also Brokers. This is going to be great for my daddy in Vegas.

Tuesday, December 21, 2004

Business and Calories

PERSONAL: Went to a Christmas party tonight...finally...and it was sponsored by a Radio Station and I was nominated and so my daughter and family and I went and the DJ liked me! IT makes me feel kind of good, he was purposely obvious too. I had a good time though, played some bowling and some games and ate tons of pizza. I realize though I don't have time to date...I mean between Liz, Work, School and Business and soon Church & Rec Activities. I have no time!

BUSINESS: I Am not sure if I mentioned this but I am starting another business...yes I know I already have two but this is different. I enjoy all my businesses and I am going to work hard at all of them. They all take time. Sigh. But I have Faith in all of them.

WORK: Finally done training! Today was an optional day to go and I went half day because well when you are Single Mom and no matter what you need money!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

I think I found a way!

BUSINESS: Well remember all that talk about money? I think I found what makes me happy not that I am going to give up my other businesses but I found a way to make an income quicker. I am very excited and I still plan on building my community website and stay with my Direct Sales Beauty Business but I think I found the Domino to start the whole process. I have already signed a Broker and I think I found a Member for the Discount Health Care. I am getting closer to RSD (Regional Sales Director). That takes six members and four brokers.

PERSONAL: MY family has no faith in me, but that is typical. I am a little frustrated with work. I got into a fight with my mom. Sometimes I think she is the most ignorant person I have ever met. My Belief about her is She is Skeptical about everything and Doesn't believe in Anything.

WORK: Like I said Work is frustrating but I think I am going to fix it all tomorrow. sigh. I hate working for someone else. My mom doesn't understand that, she expects me to be another normal idiot. I think I taught myself to be better and different and hell if I am not going to be that!

That is all I have for tonight!

Sunday, December 12, 2004

How do you make Money?

MONEY: Sigh. It is so crazy to be so Ambitious (which happens to be one of my favorite words by the way), Determined, Persistent, and just to want to be spoiled and not know how to make money. Aren't those things supposed to be in sync with each other? Some days it just frustrates me to high hell! But I keep on it and I push it. I try to analyze and examine people like Oprah and Madonna and figure out what happened to make them so Successful? I read books like "The One Minute Millionaire" and "Think and Grow Rich". Then I look at myself and how I struggle to Understand the Concept of "Money" and Success. IT is not even all about money either, it is doing all the things you enjoy, getting what you want, being financially free, not having to worry, living life to the fullest. Honestly in a way I feel I deserve better, I think I am Different, Unique Individual. Maybe I am narcissistic or self-indulgent but at least I Am HONEST! ;)

I don't worship money but I know how much it would benefit me if I had some. Not that I can have a self-fufilling life without money but I like the Glamourous life and I would rather be self-made than marry it. I like the finer things in life, I like fresh flowers, candles, my favorite food and fine food when I want it, nice clothes, vacations whenever I want it, spa treatment any time, what is wrong with that?

PERSONAL: Right now, with all this stress on sex/relationships and money and work I am just eating myself into a hole. I can't help it. I keep saying wait till the new year but then I eat and try to eat more. Then I look at myself and hate myself. I really want to get into Professional Commerical/Promotions in 2005 but those last pictures I looked grotesque and not 16 anymore with a flat tummy and smaller figure. I wear a 9-10 now. I have no clue how that happened and my torso is just bigger and my arms and legs are still skinny. Men, If I could just meet one that would agree to my terms I would at least have that part of my life fufilled.

My point is I have needs and they need to be met. I cannot live an Isolated life anymore. Then their is my daughter, I just always hate myself for having a good time.

Well I was supposed to go to a Christmas party, my daughter and I to meet new people and my daughter got sick. That was Saturday. So the following Saturday (18th) we are going to go to the Santa's Workshop at the Rec Center and then maybe I could network there till I am ready to go to Church. Not that it is all about Networking, but I would like to meet some new people and see what they do to and have parties and everything else that normal people do.

WORK: Tomorrow I have to to do some more training. I am getting really frustrated being a temp, this is the second time the company I am with wanted me back on. It would help my income a great deal if they would just say "Your Hired!" I hope this is the final test of how my performance is.

BUSINESS: same ole, same ole.

More later,


Friday, December 10, 2004

Well exciting news and some Changes

I decided because I am going to include my blog on my now focused mom relationship website, formally known as that I am going to seperate different Writings into different sections just so I can keep the same blog without changing the name and such. Personal/Social, Professional/Work, Business, Being Mommy. So here it goes.

BEING MOMMY: My little girl or baby (she is 15 months) is acting spoiled! So now I am getting better at disciplining her and putting her to bed early, and mind you it isn't easy but I am glad I am single because then I don't have to hear about what a terrible Job I am doing from my Husband. My Daughter has really bad Congestion. I feel so bad! I have tried Vicks Humidifer, Medication. I don't know what else to try.
My daughter is such a good girl and she is already walking. I feel bad her dad didn't try to call me on her first birthday. But she had a party with Mexican Influence. I am also going to buy her some Bilingual videos and let her know more about her Culture when she is older. Right now I really want to get her into Dora the Explorer.
I feel bad that her father and I didn't stay married, we both invested three years Was I really that bad of a wife or Imperfect? sigh.

PERSONAL: Well, I have been home all week and my ex hadn't called me since last weekend and then tonight I get this mysterious call and no one picked up the phone and I am wondering now if it was him. That one weekend some signs pointed to the fact that he really liked me and then I got other signs and well I had trained myself to get over him even before the fact that anything ever happend but I just don't know why he would want to let go of something that seemed not right but we can relate to each other alot and we both seem to have the same goal. Not marriage or kids but occupy ourselves with one person who can entertain us and we can still be alone. I may have been wrong but I will just have to wait and see.

PROFESSIONAL: The first training week of the new department at work was easy. All we did was phone shadowing and basic Presentation training. WE took the test today and I know they will want me back on Monday and let me work till the end of March. I hope they hire me on by then because right now I make $10.50 an hour and if I am permanent then I start out $12.50. That is why I keep hanging on, although I really have no choice but I will lucky to find this Job even if it is through a temp service. Speaking of the temp service, I have got to know alot of the temps better that are from the same temp agency. I also called another temp agency about a Work At Home Job and now I am just waiting for her to call me back.

BUSINESS: I am an Rep for Arbonne and I have handed out all my catalogs and still hadn't any luck with making money so I called the Rec Center in my town and you can set up "Seminars" they call it and in a couple of months when I have enough inventory I am going to set up a class and an informative Presentation of Arbonne and hopefully with that I can either get customers and some hosts to host some parties. All I am lacking is inventory or else I can do it sooner. Well my dating website has changed its focused. I am going to talk about something I know more about and that is being a Single Mom and relationships you have with being a Single Mom. I had already bought the domain name and now I am going to change the templates. What I would really like is if Single Moms would post in my forum so we can get some discussions going. I am going to be able to write my own articles and such. I am very excited. I still have some information on Internet Dating but it is just going to be a webpage about Internet Dating.

Well more tomorrow,

Monday, December 06, 2004


I have GOOD NEWS! I got my College Grant. I am so excited that I am going to be able to go to College now. I am still working on my website, I have to buy a new domain name now. I am changing the focus of my dating website to something a little bit more personal. I still need to list my eBay items, I will probably do it tomorrow.

Sunday, December 05, 2004

I did it....

Yes, I took the plunge and went and saw my ex this weekend and of course the unthinkable my case it HAD too. Now, he says he wants to see me again, we talked for hours before anything happened. But, he says he is going to call me and so forth but if he doesn't, OH well it is his loss...At least I got mine ;). oh I talked way too much, I was being such a dork and he said he didn't care. He said he liked how I was honest and open. I don't know, but it is his call now.

I am so tired and my daughter didn't go to sleep till about 11pm. Now all I can think about is business, since my job hired me back on and I will only be working till March, I hope I can get some clientelle or money coming from SOMEWHERE! I still need a way to supplement my income and I handed out my Arbonne Catalogs with a discount and I think my best bet would be to hand out the samples with a catalog (upon request-or maybe not I am not sure). I am going to post some more things up on eBay tomorrow and then of course working on my dating website. It may be a year from now before I make money from my website. But I think it is well worth the wait.

Well tomorrow I start training for the FSA department. I am excited but training doesn't give you enough hours. I think I am also going to take myself and my daughter to a church Christmas party this weekend. I also have to call my Financial Aid Advisor if she learned anything yet.

I was thinking I should do Virtual Assistant work on the side after work or on the weekend. I put up an Ad on and hopefully I will get an e-mail and I was thinking of putting an Ad in the newspaper too.

I hate struggling. Well, it is kind of fun too. The most interesting thing happened. My brother became a Sales Man! He sells vacuums and does in home presentations and he says he loves his job, he just got started. He used to work in Production and was a Union Painter. Now he does this, I hope he is really good at it and gets paid good.

TO me, Sales and Marketing are so much fun to do. I was thinking of asking my current job if they have a sales department, I am sure they do.

Well enough for now~

Sunday, November 28, 2004

My Thoughts

I love to write in Bold, one day on a message board someone asked me why I always type in bold and I said because I just feel like it.

I was watching the movie "Something's Gotta Give" with Diane Keaton, Keanu Reeves and Jack Nicolson and watching Diane Keaton's character reminded me of me. Her personality, thoughts and feelings but just an older version. That is a very good movie, I just missed the ending it for another day. The story line is based on falling in love and how it is the absoute best and worst thing for you, I still don't think I could do it again...but it is true, you have complete control when you are living alone and living life how you enjoy it and then if you let someone else comes along, you have no control over anything.

I love to be in control and I don't think I could let go of that again, I think my ex from Job Corps understands me a little bit and probably won't try to take things as far as say "seeing each other" I especially don't want to see a man if he feels sympathony or a need to be a hero and save you from being a Single Mom. That happened with the guy I was seeing after I seperated from My Husband, at least that is how I felt, well actually I think he wanted me to save him from his bar hopping sex (oops, can I use the word?) binges. Anyway, there are a lot more women out there now who feel the way I do...especially if they have been married once already.

Tomorrow I am going to seek Employment, I am kind of scared of the idea of working from home, doesn't that sound crazy? Especially since I am working on the Internet just so I could be at home! I found a Job in DWS that needs someone to work from home and I am going to call Monday and I am also going to call Employment services again. Now that it seems more real it just seems harder for me to do, you know I went to all the websites that needed moms from home and I just couldn't get myself to apply, even though I have all the requirements (Computer stuff).

I am getting good at eBay, I sold two items already being a "Newbie" and all. I guess eBay is the best resort when you need fast income. I have my dating site that I need to find my "niche" and I have been talking to my internet marketing coach but I really feel my niche is regular online daters. I don't know it is a big decision and maybe I still need to do some research. It is stressful. Arbonne, I plan to leave catalogs everywhere and throw a party one of these days. Owning a business is quite of an investment, any kind of business. I just hope all this investing pays off. Maybe I just need to plan better and I will get better results.

Hmmmm my thoughts ran out for the night.


Friday, November 26, 2004

Day after Turkey Day.....Unemployed

My Personality Disorder Results!

-- Personality Disorder Test - Take It! --

Today was my last day of my wonderful Job! :( I may be called next week or the week after for another project from my Job if not then I need to find Employment. I already called my two temp agencies and told them I needed work and hopefully they will have something for me Monday...I am also going to apply for some Work At Home Jobs. I know of a few places.

I have been also thinking alot about my businesses...I think I really chose some tough ones. But I am going to make it with my ventures, I know I am.

I think that may be all for tonight!


Thursday, November 25, 2004

Happy Thanksgiving!

Now I love it, don't get me wrong but it is a very boring day...even visiting with other family members is boring. All you do is cook for 3 hours and then eat for about 15 minutes. I love the food though. What do I have to be thankful for? Hmmm...My Daughter, My Family, Opportunity and the Persuit of Success.

I love the Internet. You can meet people so many differnet ways. You have webcams, chatrooms, hot or not, message boards, dating websites. It is crazy. I met my photographers that way, over a PC!

I love my daughter but she is driving me crazy today. She will not let me do anything, not even sit down. I asked my mom to watch her for a while cause I just cannot take it anymore.

I cannot believe I am hungry again...I think I am going to make me a turkey sandwich. Well instead I cut up veggies for tomorrow's Breakfast party at Work.

I feel old and fat...usually I have a lot better confidence but after I had my daughter and my photoshoot and never leaving the house you start to kind of feel bad but knowing my ex from Job Corps is still interested in me makes me feel good. :)

The oddest thing happened this hard-up, shut-up brother was being sentimental and he talked for hours, I guess living on your own really brings you into Reality and changes you. He is 20. I was suprised and pleased. I have never seen him act in such a way. We discussed a lot of things.

I received my e-pin (signature) and submitted my Financial Aid today for College. The problem I am worried about is I have no financial statements or records of employment for 2003 because I was in Mexico and Pregnant! So, I hope they call me and ask me why or something just so I am not denied aide to go to College. I am excited about starting College in January Online.

I am so happy I am getting Microsoft Office and My Printer. That is the way to do Business! I have some more business ideas but until my businesses began to flourish I am going to hold off on starting yet ANOTHER one. Right now, I am working on My Dating site, Arbonne Skin Care and eBay. I am going to start promoting Arbonne next week and I already have things on eBay and my website I am consistently working on.

Well, it is late and I think I am going to bed.

Good Night and Happy Thanksgiving.


Monday, November 22, 2004

Being a Single Mom......Caffeine

I written before about being a Single Mom (in my old Blog) but I need to bring it up again because I was more or less asked out on a date...with my ex from school. Now, I am interested but, I don't know if I can take that step again to get involved again...I mean I LOVE My Freedom and I don't know if I can give and sacrifice so much and not get anything in return again...I gave everything, every ounce I could to my husband and look it where our relationship is? On top of that I am not even divorced and I don't know if I can do that...he is in Mexico and I am sure he could get married and live his perfect life only his mother dreamed of...anyway, my ex asked me out the day I graduated...he told me he still had feelings for me and I do too but OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I just cannot take is mostly physical and emotional that takes a place in this least I like to believe that it is all it is...I was going to call him today and I just decided not too. I am suppose to hang out with him and his friends anyway some time. Being a Single Mom and dating is just completely different than just being a girl and dating. There is a whole lot more to think about. Would if he just wants to use me? I feel like I am a little vulnerable right now. I am a smart girl and I always used to tell him straight...I feel confused and what one part of me wants the other part of me doesn't want. Usually the other part wins. Plus another part of me still wants and believes in this fantasy that my husband and I will one day reunite even though he is in Mexico and I am here. Sick isn't it? He wasn't a bad person. His mother just influenced him too much.

Caffeine, I love my cup of coffee in the morning and then I love my Dr. Pepper/Coke in the afternoon...I feel so guilty though and I try to quit drinking so much Caffeine anytime. But I cannot help it. I hate to use the word "addicted" but that is sometimes how I feel. Plus do you know what it does to your skin? I am going to start drinking Sprite or juice because it is rediculous how much we consume of coke products.

Thursday, November 18, 2004

My Graduation

Well today I went to my Graduation at Job Corps, which is where I decided to go after I came back from Mexico (A Long Story for another Day) anyway, I was in Business Technologies (Better office skills training) and I had my Graduation, it was a very quick day and I had asked for the day off but after was the REAL surprise.

My ex, who was the guy I dated the longest while I was there wrote in my year book that he still has feelings for me and before when he signed it he told me to read it after I had left. Woo in my book an Earth Shaker. I am not much of a Dater and at this point in my life could care less about walking down that aisle one more time....I bet you all are thinking...he never said he didn't but in his signature he used the word "future" and naturally he would think the opposite of what I do about Relationships...I don't believe in Commitment anymore but see the 'dumb' side of me sees more then that with him...and plus I think the fact that it has been so long for me and him as well could have something to do with it.

We have ALOT in common. He thinks my daughter is cute. But as far as relationships go, I have issues. I also think he may have alterior motive but then again I think that about everybody. I love being Single again....I think we could probably "see each other" that would work for me. Oh and I broke up with him because it was getting to that point that it could actually turn into a relationship.

Am I wrong? Am I confused? I don't know. Could I see him on a Regular basis? Yes. See I am picky, I couldn't just have a one nighter but I could see myself seeing someone regularly if I knew him well and vice versa.

I had this entry at another blog but I decided to stick with my Original!

Sunday, November 14, 2004


I am proud of myself. I finally did some more work on my website and I ordered some supplies for Arbonne business. If I keep it up I may be banking it in a year! :) I used the products, they are specialty skin care products and I think I deserve a little better then dollar skin care creams now. I also have a Perm now, and I love it! Oh and I posted 1 book on Ebay! I want to do it all and I will. I am really depending that my website will go successful for some passive income.

I had my photo shoot today and it was fun. I was too tired, honestly I was happy when it was over. But I still want to continue to do photo shoots, I love to get dressed up and have my picture taken and I would like to have the exposure. The photographer who I worked with a couple of times before that told me he would act as my manager and that he wanted to shoot me nude. My mom and I both agreed that if I am going to do nudity it should be for Playboy or Perfect 10 magazine. That was my whole idea anyway. Plus I don't think I am really in shape yet to pose nude.

Let me see, what else is going on? Oh I ordered a Printer off Ebay and I get it in a couple of days...I have spent so much money, it is crazy! I bought myself a mink throw ($30), skin care products from my Direct Sales Business Arbonne, Checks (I need those), something from Fredericks! I love it though. I feel like I can do anything.

My Job is still going well. I love it, I hope I get employed by the Company by the end of the month. They will be having a Christmas party and I would love to go if they hire me on. Even though I am going on shopping sprees right now, if I get the Job I can start saving up for my own CAR! Then Apartment. But until I know they are hiring me, I am just fine. We are having another pot luck on Friday and this time I want to make something delicious. I am going to my Graduation at Job Corps on the 18th and I am so excited!!! If you want something you know you can make it happen. Everything I ever wanted I made happen. I told everyone at Job Corps, I want a 10 dollar Job and to leave school and come back and Graduate and everyone told me know and that I wouldn't be able too and look I am already doing it! YOU MAKE THINGS HAPPEN!

I cannot believe people have left comments on my blog! Thanks!

I cannot believe that it is almost 2005. Crazy. I LOVE Thanksgiving. I especially LOVE the Turkey, Mashed Potatoes, Stuffing and Cranberry sauce. Yummy! Yummy!

I don't know but I have thought of being on Reality TV but I am sure everyone has. I just think it would interesting thing to do, I just couldn't handle being away from my daughter if I was chosen. I would rather her travel with me anyway if I was going to do any model/acting/tv work at all.

I also want to take a CPR Class, First Aid and maybe a Self-Defense class. Especially before I live by myself. I also want to be able to work from Home. I am still interested in getting involved in Real Estate Investing. Which reminds me, someone from Job Corps was talking to me about a Financial Company called Primerica and now all I hear about is their competitor World Financial Group. It seems every person I talk to is working with WFG. I find that so odd. From my Job Corps Instructor to My co-worker, to someone in the cell phone business! What does that mean??

Anyway, I still miss my husband. He was My Jungito (monkey)! I wonder what kind of chick he is with. I wonder if he at all thinks about me and my daughter. He had done me wrong and I still want to be with him. I must be crazy.

I hope in February I can go to Vegas for a couple of days. I really want to see my dad. Vegas is so crazy though.

I put this cool toy on my Gift Registry @ Walmart for my Daughter. It costs about $50 bucks but it is worth it. I am excited to give it to her for Christmas. I also know what I want to get my dad. A Care Package. I know he needs it and I would send him some special treats and necessities. I hope he is doing ok.

Well I talked enough,

Monday, November 01, 2004

It Snowed!

Another Monday morning and I woke up late again! I hate rushing in the morning, I usually like to sip a cup of coffee for about 10 minutes before I go to work. My Job is going well. We had a Halloween Costume Contest on Friday and today we had a Pot Luck. I really enjoy my Call Center job. All the people that call me are so understanding and they appreciate what you do for them.

I have a photoshoot in a couple of weeks and I am also meeting with a Modeling Agent. I already went over the specs and it is not a scam. I am excited, I am going to get my hair done next week and some exposure.

I decided kind of what kind of business I am going to go for. I may combine it with something else. I am still trying to figure out what I am going to do about my website.

I am feeling kind of lonely, and I really hate that! I am also very picky about who I date and their really is no potential out there at all!

More Later

Sunday, October 31, 2004

Do I need a Title?

Well still working. I obviously past the test at work. Monday I go in and pay my $35.00 fee for College and I am getting DSL soon so I can do my College Online better. Then hopefully I will start college in January.

Aside from the business I have, which has turned into a slooooooooooooow long term project. Like I said before, Internet Marketing is hard. I am going to start another business offline. I was thinking of selling Promotional Products for businesses in my area and surrounding areas. I was also thinking of getting into Direct Sales and possibly meet some new people and make an income doing that since I had just moved to the area. I know I can do it if I just set my mind to it. I mean I haven't given up on my Dating Site and I won't either. I am also thinking of doing Ebay still as well as well as my mother.

I have been thinking about my husband alot lately. I miss him. I just wondered what happened and why did things have to turn out this way? I also wish that maybe it was better that I was never married. But I have a beautiful daughter because of it. Sigh. My Life has been so crazy these past years. I was remembering last night being 6 months pregnant and living in Mexico and washing my husband's clothes.

I think I am going to start my photo shoots in November. I already have some photographers lined up. I am excited to get that going again.

More Later,


Tuesday, October 26, 2004

My Day

Well, we finally took the test, I will have to finish it tomorrow. I hope I do well on it. I would like to start working and getting on the phones. Training test for the company I will possibly be working for. My day went fast and I still stayed later. Tomorrow I go to work an hour later and I get off about the same time.

Right now, this late at night (which I love) I am surfing the web. I love it because no one is awake and it is quiet, the only thing you can hear is my tapping the keyboard with my fingers.

Well, I may or may not go to the Strip Club this weekend. Depending upon my friends. I really need to go out and get wasted. I am more than just a Working Mother. I like to socialize and go dancing and things like that. I am just more worried about this Job I am at right now.

I am excited about going to college, I really am. I have never gone and I am really anxious to study and things like that. Even though it isn't conventional because it will be online, it will still be college.

I am looking up Wallpapers for my new computer I bought last weekend. I am also looking at Celebrity Merchandise.

I LOVE Being Single! I love the freedom of it, the fact that I can buy whatever I want and nobody can tell me "No." Watch whatever I want; go to sleep whenever I want. I can also flirt if I felt like it, do almost anything I want. The reason why I say almost is because I still have to take care of my daughter, she is my responsibility and I love her very much. But I still have my freedoms. :)

Well I couldn't get my website up. The template I bought wouldn't let me purchase it for some stupid reasons.

More Tomorrow


Monday, October 25, 2004

Modeling and College

Well work went fast again. But, I did finally speak to the Financial Advisor in person for Columbia College and I just have to turn in my application and do paperwork for financial aid. Then by January I should be doing College. I am excited to actually study because it has been so long and at Job Corps you don't really study and have to keep up. You work at your own pace and you don't really learn that much.

Modeling! One of my old Photographers contacted Me and so did a couple of others! So in the next couple of months or so I will start doing Photo Shoots. The silly part about it is I started Modeling in front of my mirrors trying on clothes I would like to wear for my photo shoots. My body really hasn't changed after My Daughter was born. I mean I have no stretch marks and my hips got a little bigger but that is it. I am really excited about that also! I hope to have a Successful Modeling Website on the Net also. Honestly from all the promoting I did with my alias when I was 17 if you search my name it will come up on every page and it still does just with not the right URL (I still haven't purchased a domain-LOL) but I will. I was also thinking of starting to do Promotions and Auditions in Utah. Which will come a little bit later.

I am so happy that My Plans are working. I mean I have waited and waited and FINALLY! I am able to do what I want. I watched a special tonight about Mexico and it reminded me of my husband and how much I feel like Mexico is a part of me and especially my Daughter. I hope when I am Financially Independent I can go back and it some Tacos de Tripas con cebollitas fritas. Si me entiende si es Mexicano de Michoacan! :)

Tell you what happens tomorrow.

Sunday, October 24, 2004

Business and Mom

First lets start with Mom, I Love her dearly. I got into a huge argument with her today about something you deep down knew I was right about. I realized I cannot live at home anymore and yesterday she discovered (by accident) the blog I had wrote about going back to Mexico instead of living here. And, yes, I felt bad and she wasn't suppose to see it but what can I do about it now? I am right now looking for another way to supplement my income in order to move out and have extra money for my daughter and I.

Speaking of...till my Dating website gets off the ground I was thinking of becoming a Distributor and selling on Ebay. I haven't ever done that and I would sure like to try. I sent away for the wholesale catalogs and they should be here in a couple of weeks. I love catalogs and I should be getting alot soon.

Well my friend who was going to Wendover with me cancelled. She has to have her surgery which she told me about before we made these plans. I am a little disappointed though. I just hope my other friend doesn't skip out on me on going to the Strip Club.

Well I am still in Training at Work and I take another test on Wednesday to see I am employable. I am nervous and this is the second test I have taken with this company. I will know by Thursday if I have the Job. I could really use this Job, if not then it is back to the drawing board. Which I already have a couple of Plan B's. I also have to call about Columbia College this week too so I can register for Late Fall.

More Later,

Saturday, October 23, 2004

John Goddard

No he isn't a boyfriend, he is more of an Inspiration.
I first heard about him in High School taking my Career Class right before Drivers Ed Training and I never forgot what he did, I just forgot who he was. Now what he did was write a 127 goal list and accomplished 108 of all his goals and my thought was 'wow' if he could do it then so can I!

Then life happened and here I am trying to be the Success, Ambitious, Determind Person I was 6 years ago. I was lucky enough today to find about him again while looking through books in the thrift store for the good ole' price of $1. What book was it? Chicken Soup for the Soul now I picked up this book wondering why it was so Popular and I started reading through it under "Live Your Dream" section and Bam! there was his story and I was happy to find it and Remember his name.

Back to the Inspiration he gave me. Certain people inspire me to write and accomplish my goals...Madonna, Oprah, Anthony Robbins, John I have the urge to write and keep in mind I am not a good writer and the only writing I wanted to ever do was write Lyrics for Music, not poetry nor short stories. I didn't really consider that writing till now, I am start to really like writing and I would like to take a course on it. Hopefully I will if I am able to go to college (Online).

I am going to write my own 'Life List' and accomplish all my goals as well. And being this Ambitious makes me a Self-Help/Workaholic/Perfectionist.

My Dating website should be up again by the end of this weekend and I did order my Computer. I am very excited about that! Just more Independence from My Family.

What more do I have to say? I guess goodnight.



God I wish I could move out, which is virtually impossible at least for another year. Being 22 with a child and living at home is just driving me crazy! I pay rent-thank goodness! I am going to have to find some way to supplement my income though. That will be a little hard considering the fact that I have no transportation.

Anyway, my checks barely cover rent and child care which only leaves me about 800 for the month. Now, I know how to budget and everything but when your a girl you want things and I do believe in making sacrifices when you have children but I won't be young forever.

I still feel like my mom is trying to control my life. Sometimes I think I would rather go back to Mexico with my husband just so I don't have to deal with my mother trying to take over the responsibility of my daughter. That is why it is really important to me that I have Financial Independence.


Friday, October 22, 2004


Anyway, work was good. We left at 12 pm today. I also called Columbia about taking online classes and their Financial Aid Advisor had already left for the day. I will try again Monday. Boy, I live a very boring life. I have no plans this weekend except to buy a computer. I got my money from Job Corps and I might be Graduating in November if they let me come back and do it. You ask why wouldn't they? Because I left early because I had a JOB! That is usually the whole point of going there, if anyone knows about it or has ever attended.

I have been dying to take a vacation but with just starting this new job and having to pay $75 a week for a babysitter and rent it is kind of impossible at this time. Hopefully my friends won't back out on me and go with me to Wendover and to a strip club. Why a strip club? Because I think it would be fun!

Anyway, this weekend besides I need to work on my Dating Website. It is kind of silly to have a dating website when I don't even date. The irony! LOL. Again anyway it is important that I profit from my website just so I know I can make money and plus Affiliate Marketing really is hard. I decided to redo my website and that takes a LOT OF TIME!

So, I think I have enough to occupy my time now.


Wednesday, October 20, 2004

This is going to be about Blogs. I decided to submit my Blog and read some others. I do want people to go to my blog and leave their comments. It interests me in what they have to say. That is why people start blogs. To have someone read and make comments plus just another way of self-expression.

I don't think each blog entry should be on one subject. Today I was at work and then I went and got my daughter from the babysitters. I am on assignment for a temp agency and hopefully they will hire me after the assignment is over (the company).

I am also looking into going to college (online) because I don't have time and I want to expand my mind and get paid better.

The things I am working on now after Job Corps is working, possibly getting back into Modeling, Affiliate Marketing. I want to stay busy and make money and reach my Financial Independence.

I am a Workaholic-Perfectionist. I was never in the past and after being married, having a child and being barefoot and pregnant living in Mexico. I decided I should go after what I want. My goal is to also Work At Home so I can be at home with my daughter. She is 1 and I have been in Job Corps since she was 4 months. Now that I am home I am trying to get my Affiliate Dating site to earn some passive income. Let me tell you Internet Promotion is HARD!

My Professional life is fine. But My Personal is not doing so well and I hope that in two weeks I can go to a Strip Club and Wendover and have a good time. My only concern is my friends will back out on me.

My Daughter. Raising children is Hard! But I Love her so much. I got off early today and got her from the babysitters but she refuses to lay down for a nap. So she is driving both me and my mom crazy. My mom is done with watching her. She watched her the whole time I was in Job Corps but I also would like a break too. But I also asked to be a Mommy. This was no accident (I don't believe in accidents like this). Anyway going straight from Job Corps to work with no break in between you get kind of tired.

More Later,
