Sunday, November 20, 2005
TGR Action Steps
1) Think and Grow Rich Book
2) Action Pack
3) Pen
4) 3x5 Filiing Cards
5 Yellow Highlighter
Now I just need to pick a half hour everyday to do has to be at the same time everyday according to the book...and between 5-7 Days.
Hmmmm I want to do this the FULL 7 Days. I am going to say 1 pm everyday.
It also says that I must show My Family and Friends to show them that I Am Serious. Interesting. I guess I will need to do that.
So tomorrow, I will begin on the FIRST Action Step and then Log it. I will be at work when I do my first half hour with this but I will be on "Break" time since I work the Split Shift.
Friday, November 18, 2005
"Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill
I am entrigued by the "Think and Grow Rich" book by Mr. Hill. I want to develop the knowledege I learn and make it REAL. I am also using my Blog to track my progress and hold myself accountable.
The funny thing is I had read it the first time, had all my notes in it and then I lost it. The funny part is I was drawn to the book again. So I had ordered it off of, the version I had ordered was "Think and Grow Rich Action Pack" and the original version which I think will also help me better acheive Maximum Success. I want to make this book my primary focus for the next 12 months and I want to track my progress with My Blog.
So Beginning Sunday, November 20th I will be starting the TGR (Think and Grow Rich) Process.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Happy Halloween!
So, I finally got done with the last guy I was seeing...he and I were sooooooooooooo not right for each other, in more ways than one LOL...anyway...I always saw this hot guy at work...OMG I think he's hot and I finally get the nerve to even ask about him and it turns out he has a girlfriend! FIGURES!
So, now loneliness is striking me again, but whatever I am used it to it. 2 years, what else is new???
I did take my daughter Trick or Treating! It was great. She was tired so I had to cut it a little short but she had fun and got some candy that I do not want her to eat LOL. 2 year olds do not need Candy.
I think I am just too weird to get involved with anyone. I am also worried about getting involved with egomaniacs and I have to worry...UGH no. Although dating complete nerds and jerks are not at the top of my list neither. Where can I Win? Not likely. Plus, who wants a Woman with Baggage and a small gut who could care less if you loved her or not?? :D Plus I don't think any man out there deserves Me anyway.
Anyway, I am working on a Plan to Make LOTS of Money so I can hire an Housekeeper and just do the stuff I enjoy and be with my daughter, and let me tell you with the stuff I am doing lately it isn't no Pipe Dream.
I miss the 90's. Sigh. Time just flies by...I cannot believe I will be 24 next year. Do you even KNOW how scary that is???
I will be working on a Divorce in 2006 and I will also be moving to Oregon. BIG CHANGES AHEAD.
My Favorite Holiday that is coming up...since this is the Holiday Thanksgiving...Surprise Surprise! :D I love the Cranberries with Turkey, Mashed Potatoes and Stuffing...MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM
Wow, almost 2006...kind of crazy...
Monday, October 24, 2005
Sitting here....
I am thinking about the always...would if things have been different? Hmmmm I guess it really doesn't matter. I am also thinking about if their is True Love out there for me...even though I try not to think about it because I don't know if I could do that again. Relationships are alot of work. Everyone I meet just sucks. LOL. I know I haven't written much lately. Just trying not to Stress too much. I am Proud of my Daughter! She finally went Poo Poo in the Potty! LOL. I caught her just in time and she FINALLY understood the Potty I think. She is only two and she is so sweet and smart. Sigh. It kind of makes me Pregnant/Baby Hungry sometimes. LOL.
Being Single isn't all that bad. I mean, I do things when I want and I buy what I want. It is really cool. I sleep and eat when I want.
So I am kind of seeing this guy I met at Job Corps. OMG it is the MOST Dramatic thing I have to go through.
Anyway, I am pretty Content right now. By January I will be maxed out of My AutoSurf account which will bring me $2k every two weeks. I Hope and Pray this Program lasts forever or at least a few years so I can get rich. LOL.
I just realized I still want to Sing Professionally. I know, a Crazy thought. High School thats all I wanted to do. But now, "Single Mom, gotta Pay the Bills" UGH Mentality. Makes me sick.
"Oh shes a gold digger" I love that song. Especially the guy in the background. Nevermind decided to change the music. Now Maroon 5.
Biting my tongue as far as what I was going to say LOL...I will just keep that to myself. :)
Anyway, got to do some work on my Other Blog!
Thursday, October 20, 2005
UGH Frustrations
Sunday, October 16, 2005
What a Weekend!
I had been thinking about my latest ventures and what else I would like to set out doing. I first want to get all my Programs in order and I was thinking of starting a Paid to Read Website and a Classifieds Ads Website and make money Online that way with those Streams of Income, but that is more in the future and when I have more time Marketing My Programs and Learning Marketing on the Web. There are really so many options out there now to make money on the web. I would still like to try out alot of Programs and get my Direct Sales Programs off the ground (AVON, Jerky and Greeting Cakes). There is so much I want to do. I cannot wait till I have more time with this and be making the money I need to do with 12DP.
That is all I think about- Making Money Online. I would love to make enough to Work From Home. Meaning pulling in at LEAST $4,000-$6,000 every two weeks Online WITHOUT AutoSurfing. I also would love the time to work on my Direct Sales Companies. Building Downlines, Sales and Fundraising and such.
I know I can do it and I am trying to make that possible.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Your Status:
You have requested approval for your account. After we have reviewed
your account and referrals we should be able to send out your FREE
iPod. Please check back after 7-10 business days to complete your FREE
30GB iPod (Black)
- 2.5 inch, 320 x 240 color LCD screen
- Less than half an inch thick, 4.8 ounces
- Holds up to 7,500 songs, 75 hours of video
- 14 hours of music playback, 2 hours of video playback
- Earbud headphones, dock adapter, USB 2.0 cable and protective case included
$450 Free or IPod!!
Don't believe me??? LOL.

Sunday, October 09, 2005
UGH Change
I went to see a friend this Saturday and things went fine. Which surprised me. My daughter went along and had alot of fun. Now I can sense things are going to start to change and I really don't know if I want that. From what I remember from Relationships is nothing good really comes out of them. The last time I saw someone ended up turning out to be a bad experience, actually all my previous experiences were like that?
My Dad is 50 and he is Single. He had only married once and that was it for him, and sometimes I think you know, once is enough for me too. My Ex Mother in Law was the same way. I think some people are meant to live and be alone and others are not. I know for sure, my mother isn't. She is the opposite. No matter what relationship I am in, you can still sense the space I put in between it. My Ex-Husband used to tell me that. Well, he also told me alot of things. I am trying to make this Post as General as possible without getting too specific.
Maybe I am just too stubborn, I don't know.
But I had a good time with my friend on Saturday and we are going to see each other again. Another thing about Relationships is they make me nervous.
Funny, you want something for the longest time and then when you get it you are like???
I always wished my husband told me ALL the things I have always wanted to hear, if he did I probably wouldn't be Single right now. :(
Like I was saying, I get used to being Single. Doing things my way. Things seem to roll alot smoother that way, especially if I am in Control.
Being a Single Mom is even harder. I can't believe my Ex hasn't tried to find me or contact me. My Daughter and I must long gone and forgotten. Jerk.
Another thing I disliked about Marriage was being put second. Men are first and they pay the bills, blah blah, blah. Women are here to Cook, Clean and Make Babies and becareful if you don't do it right he maybe out there looking for his Mistress!
Saturday, October 08, 2005
Jerky Distributor!
Visit My Online Store and check out the Payout Levels and let me know if you want to sell Jerky or just buy it! But, with this Business you can do COMPLETELY Online if you want. You can also buy the by the Cases!
Jackie's Famous Jerky Direct
Friday, September 30, 2005
option to Blog Pictures and the Text below is my name in Pretty Pink
and Glitter. :) Have a NICE Day.

Thursday, September 29, 2005
Went Back to Work....
I won't be moving to Oregon anytime soon. Too many things going on right now.
My Daughter is still sick. She has a horrible cough and she is tired of going to the Doctors. Since coming back from Oregon she has been acting like a spoiled brat. I am trying to get her back on track.
My Internet Money Ventures have been working out Great! I Plan to do more Extensive Stuff Online to Make More Money.
I am also part of a Weight Management Class at Curves and I have not been following My Diet. I know, Shame on Me. I cannot afford to go grocery shopping for all the food but I have been kind of watching what I eat. I am just not in the mood for Dieting or anything else right now. I still feel like I am Floating. I know it is kind of a dramatic word and I am not really for Drama but that is how I feel. I have felt like this for a VERY Long time. Going through the Motions. It could be Depression, I don't know. I don't really consider myself a "Depressed" kind of girl. I am a little lonely and I hate feeling that way because I love my isolation and time alone. I still think it is pathetic. I have, of course been thinking about My Ex-Husband- Ugh. I really don't know what to say about him. Part of Me wants to just Punch him and the other Part just wants me to cuddle with him. LOL. JERK.
I went to Oregon and got Drunk almost every night when my Grandparents. It was great.
Sigh. Please don't judge me, life is hard for everybody.
Tuesday, September 27, 2005
Back from Vacation.......
Wednesday, September 21, 2005
Didn't Get The Job......Going on Vacation.....
I am going on Vacation tomorrow! I will be gone until next Wednesday and this is my LAST Post until then.
Talk to you ALL LATER!
Sunday, September 18, 2005
New Things to Happen....
I am very Excited about the possibilities with AutoSurfing. I figure I could get all my Credit and Debt in Order, have some money in Savings and Some in Investing and be good and of course for Tithing. When following the guidelines for Rich Dad and The One Minute Millionaire.
Like I keep week is THE Week for Me. If I get this Job then I need to transfer from the other Curves I am going to now to the one where I live at. I will also be going on Vacation so I will have to talk to My Boss about that and also about My Schedule. Next week could be life changing! The Vacation in itself will be good so I can clear My Head.
Friday, September 16, 2005
Next week is a week I am anticipating if I get that Job or is also the week I go on Vacation...and I had also joined a Weight Management Class from Curves which officially starts now.
PLUS! My Parents don't want to babysit for me if I work on a Saturday. But, they can't be happy with a normal schedule instead of working a split shift. Which leaves me working 7-7 pm. I swear they are jerks and it pisses me off! I hate bending over backwards for them and then paying for their stupid Rent so I can hear them bitch. I am just at the end of my rope.
So whether or not I get the Job...or anything else...I am just screwed in all directions. I am going to take that JOB if I get it.
UGH...I hate Stressing. Then of course, there is Money. But I think I have that taken care of.
Oh and then I get Lonely and Stress some more about My Husband. It is quite pathetic.
I just HOPE Everything works out.
Sunday, September 11, 2005
I feel like a New Woman!
I may get a Job Interview next week and I am also going to Oregon the week after for Vacation. Oh the change of Scenery will do ALOT of good! Since I will be moving to Oregon it will be nice to see what they have up there plus my Grandparents are up there. I plan to get a Car and a Condo. I am VERY Excited.
I am applying for a new Job in my Company and I also applied for a Job at home. So, I am just going to try out for both and see what happens.
I have been doing some things Online to make money and it seems to be working out well. I have created a Website and Blog to keep track of my experience and efforts to Make Money Online.
I have also been Working Out at Curves and been watching what I eat. So far it is working, I really don't have much to lose, it is just mostly around the gut.
Being Single is cool, but the whole Single Scene just sucks. I am not sure which is worse? Married or Single? I like getting my way and I know if I am married I cannot always get my way, I also like my solitude and I cannot get that when I am married either.
But anyway, I better Ping this.
Friday, September 09, 2005
Well, my Baby was sick...
This whole work thing just sucks, it isn't that I don't like working, because I do, it is just I work these LONG Hours. UGH. I also like to have alot of free time.
Well, I am going to Ping this. I hope I get some more comments.
Thursday, September 08, 2005
Oh What a Day!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Time for another Post....
Going on Vacation in a couple of weeks to Oregon. I think maybe the change of scenery will help me clear my head so I can FOCUS and put more things into action.
Monday, September 05, 2005
I know I haven't Updated
But alot has been going on Personally...I have been going out more and such. I still think about my ex-husband, but I guess it is natural. I am still Single and I do LOVE it, mostly.
Curves is great. Although I am not working out as hard as I should. I am MORE focused on Making Money right now and applying for different Position in the Company I work for.
My Daughter is good. She is getting big very fast. Its crazy, just two years ago I had been in Mexico and married and now it is just US living with my parents.
Since I will be moving to Oregon, I decided to hold off on getting a Car and My Parents said just place myself on their Insurance and use their vehicles.
I haven't really care about how I looked lately, all I want to do is just make some money so I don't have to worry so much anymore, but My New Blog talks about the ways I have been Supplementing My Income.
I hope I still have people that visit this Blog! I will try to Update More Often.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Rich Dad and FISH!
FISH! I had read yesterday. It is a short little book with a short story on how to apply the ideas of an Exciting workplace located in a local Seattle Fish Market. It was good and I think I apply most of the ideas to my own workplace.
I noticed that the two things I had learned and are learning completely Contradict each other, but being a Single Mom and having to work full-time, I should have an Exciting Workplace till I can 'Escape the Rat Race'.
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Work is interesting to say the least...I get to meet another Celebrity Guru...its great and I am excited.
I am doing nothing this weekend except for clean...
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Everyone around me drives. I have to depend on people for rides and pay gas money. I HATE IT. You have NO idea how incompetent it makes me feel.
I have been looking at Cars for the longest time and nothing good still hasn’t come along. I orginally had $1,700 but I won’t get the other grand until I move the Oregon. And I need the Car NOW not later.
I am more or less venting my frustration of Used Car Hell and I am sure every option you name I will have already tried. But please, tell me. :)
This is a VERY Important Goal for Me and it will also be Life Changing since I have never driven a day in My Life.
I love my baby girl...
Long Time...No Post.... is not that I have not been Posting in My Blog...I have just been Posting in my Other Blog. If you want to see what I have been up to I would click over to My New Blog. I have been very Busy over there Updating and finding out New Information about PTRs (Paid to Reads), AutoSurfing, Free IPods and Gifts and Rewards Sites and just various ways to make money on the Net.
Well, frustrated at work...I do my best there and I was not chose for a Project and I am very PISSED. I LOVE My the extent that the hours suck because I work a split shift and see My Daughter very little during the week, I have been also looking at some Career Changes. I am considering Web Design and Real Estate/Mortgages.
I am moving to Oregon some time next year and I am SOOOOOOOOOOO Excited to leave Utah. My Parents keep telling me I should get some banking experience in before we move and I think I agree with them. So I am debating really bad about my job.
Haven't dated in forever and yet the sheer sight or idea of a guy just disgusts me completely.
Went to Wendover last weekend and Lost EVERYTHING I took with me . LOL. It was kind of fun. I still would do it again.
I JOINED CURVES!!! I LOVE IT!!! I am going to start collecting the merchandise because well, I sell AVON and they have alot of Curves Products and I haven't collected anything in a while. But, it feels so good to work out...I feel more attractive and healthier and it has really changed my eating habits as well. So many benefits to working out.
I am going to Vegas to see my dad in October. I Miss him. He is such a Genuine Person. Sometimes, I get so caught up in what I am doing that I forget to call him. :( Shame on Me.
My Daughter's 2nd Birthday is this weekend. I am so excited! I am going to take her to the Zoo and I am working on getting her a slide. I LOVE Her. She really is my baby. :)
Monday, July 04, 2005
New Obsessions....
I had just discovered AutoSurfing...and after reading over the information over a million times over I decided to sign up and do it...all I do is Surf Daily and I get Paid and then when I Upgrade I get More MONEY...
My other Obsession is listening to Launch Radio while Surfing the Internet...I had just recently Upgraded so now I am right now Customizing my own Station that will play the Music I want to Listen really bring backs Memories too sigh...
I swear my whole day is spent on the Internet...and I don't do silly stuff either like into stupid Chatrooms...I Love visiting Forums and of course various Websites...
Make no mistake I do go outdoors like Clubbing in such but I always feel more secure being at home with my daughter in my room...I know it is an isolated existence but I like it.
Since I am just "floating" right now nothing new is really going on...did nothing for the 4th and really had no plans too...Did get invited Camping and to go to the Cherry Hill again but I just wanted to enjoy my 3 day weekend before going back to work...
I did realize since I worked long ass hours (7-7 pm) that I need to spend more time with my daughter, even if it is just a little bit...when I get home I just have enough time to give her a bath and put her to bed.
I guess I just spend alot of time thinking...
I guess I also just spend alot of time on the Internet as well...OH WELL!
Anyway...I had made some New Goals for July...I hope I snap out of this state here soon...
Thursday, June 16, 2005
Feeling Non-Motivated
I have No Motivation for My Business or My Life. I am guess just a little confused as to how My Life turned out so far and I keep remembering my Past and wonder why things are the things they are?
I have a Basement apartment and I mostly hide in here I guess you could say.
I have always wanted to be something BIG and GREAT...and here I am...
I am also confused about God and this horrible World we live in.
I am Tired all the time, I eat Junk Food non-stop and pretty soon I will be round all around.
I think Men are Repulsive...
I don't know how to snap out of it. It is really depressing because I am 23 years old and a Single Mom and I always thought I would have a better life than this...
I know what My 'Whys' are to change my life and I just cannot function correctly. I do pretty good at work but that is it. Maybe things happen at a slower pace for Me? I don't know.
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Improvement and Preparation
Ok for those who read my Blog, thank you.
I decided to take a BIG Step and let God back into My Life and I hope he Forgives me for My Sins...I plan to start studying the Bible 30 minutes every night and possibly attend the Church I should be attending with the help of God through Prayer.
My next step for Improvement is Diet and Exercise.
The other kind of Preparation I hope to take be able to take place is ways of Protecting My Daughter and Myself.
What I mean by that is taking a CPR class, maybe learn Self-Defense, maybe attend some Safety Classes etc...anything along those lines...
This may sound crazy to some of you but we always need to Prepare and Improve.
I am pretty much done Organizing and Cleaning My Room.
*What I am going to do at this moment also is getting on My Business. I am just freaking and I need to just take a Deep breath and just DO IT!
I would also align myself at work for a Promotion...meaning relearn Spanish; use My Creative Thinking Skills to bring more money into the Company PROACTIVE.
As far as My Personal Life goes I would like to hopefully at least go out every other week with some Friends and I have no interest right now in Relationships.
Saturday, June 04, 2005
Climbing the Ladder....
1) Car-I am up to $600 and I am going to save even more money for a BETTER Car. Around $1200.
2) Organization...I am in the process of Organizing My Life...and it is a 'Process'
3) Working on My AVON and AmeriPlan Businesses:
Goals for AVON:
1) Customer Base of 20-40 People
2) Down of 10 People to achieve Unit Leader Status
3) Mantain Sales of $500+ a Campaign
Goals for AmeriPlan: Switched to Advanced Commissions
1) Become Regional Sales Director-which is 4 Broker and 6 Members
Saturday, May 28, 2005
OK, Whats New with Me?
*Well I am Certified Beauty Advisor for AVON!
*I am going to be getting My Car at an Auction Next Saturday! Woohoo!
*Tuesday I am going to be getting My AmeriPlan Business back on Track and be a RSD by the end of June!
*MY Grandparents are coming to meet their Great-Grandchild
Thursday, May 12, 2005
Happy Birthday to Me!
Well today was My Birthday and it was Great!!!
First I turned 23 and a PAID day off from work.
I got a Cake and Balloons, Manicure, Pedicure and Eyebrow Wax.
My friend took me for Coffee and Cake at Marie Calendars.
Plus I got $30 from Grandparents and $50 from my Family. For a Total of $80.
MY Grandmother who also lives in a completely different state than I do sent me an AVON Order for $24.
I also got another AVON Order from one of my Stepdad's employee.
I also got My Benny Cards for My FSA Account!
I am an Internet freak and I had recieved e-mails from people telling me Happy Birthday and a Thread dedicated to My Special Day!
Today I really felt Special and felt good. It was one of the BEST Birthdays I have ever had!
Sunday, May 08, 2005
Here is the Plan
So what I need to do is work on getting my Car a little bit faster so I can save a Trip to Vegas to go and see my Dad. I am also going to be writing my dad a letter and send it to him next week.
So AVON is doing really good. I will be a Certified Beauty Advisor here shortly and I made over $800 in Sales. I will also have about 2-3 Recruits here soon.
I am also going to have to put more effort into my AmeriPlan Business. I was thinking I may go for Advanced Commissions so I can get paid more quicker. I don't know I am still seeing what I need to do. My Goal is to make enough to work from home, I had been thinking about $2,000 a month and then build my Sales Organization with qualified Prospects using the techniques that Dani Johnson has and then I should be able to work from home.
It is really all about the Numbers and all I need to do is the Math.I should really try to attend the National Convention as well as Dani Johnson's Training Seminar as well.
Between the two businesses I should be able to reach Financial Independence within 18 months.
I am getting closer to getting my Car. Paying myself first was the best thing I could have ever done. I didn't even touch the money because I did Direct Deposit.
My REAL Concern is getting Organized. I really need to go through my Clothes and stuff so I can have more space and I also need more Office Organization and a Play Area for my Daughter.
Sunday, May 01, 2005
I decided....
I cannot wait till I go to the auction and get a Car. I am Excited and NERVOUS at the same time. I will practice in my city and then take my Car to work and everywhere else.
Well I got my things ready for the week. I am about to get some more orders from my AVON Business. It is EXCITING! It really isn't about the sales for me yet, it is just the matter of having people interested;using the products myself and becoming Certified as a Beauty Advisor and do Leadership. I will have two people in my downline.
Well, I am hoping I have enough money to advertise my AmeriPlan business this Friday. I think I will based on my Sales from AVON.
I am still looking into Organizing and Saving Money.
Friday, April 29, 2005
What do I LOVE to do?
What do I LOVE to do? I know I Love the Internet; Business Opportunities; Financial Independence...but, I know I must be more specific then that...
This is VERY Hard for Me. I am trying to reach inside myself and grab my Worth so I can reach my highest Potential and Be Successful.
What makes this even more difficult is I am trying to do this by Myself.
I just cannot figure out what Motivates Me.
I am doing Internet Searches all over for the best Business Opportunity.
Anyway, tomorrow I have a Beauty Advisor Class tomorrow for AVON. I will be getting Certified next month and I am VERY Excited!
Thursday, April 28, 2005
Clearing the Plate
The first decision I had made was to 'take a break' from doing Online Classes. The reason is because I have no DESIRE to do them. I try, but I just don't because I don't feel like it. I still plan to get my BA in Marketing but it will have to wait till I have more Time, Desire and Drive to do it.
The second decision, I am still unclear of. I am thinking of quitting my AmeriPlan Business. The Business is fine; the Discount Health Care Plan is fine. The reason? I am not too big on the Compensation plan. I am
Right now I am Researching ALL my Options-MLM, Direct Sales, Franchises, Homebased, is not easy looking for the right homebased business. I am sick of playing this card...I am doing really well with AVON and I do enjoy doing it but I need more than that.
I will also be Organizing and Managing My Time more efficiently, especially since I will have a Car.
I need to put my Life in Order so I can Grow, Expand and become a Highly Effective and Successful Person.
Sunday, April 24, 2005
Re-evaluation of my Life
Re-evaluation is good to determine what I need to do next and what I have been doing so far...
I have not been doing very good with my Online College Classes. I am considering 'quitting' till I have more time and desire to do College. I have four more weeks in this term and so I have to play catch up and decide if this is something I really want to continue to do. It is either all or nothing.
I have started AVON and it is really taking off, my first Campaign was $12 and my second was over $400. I like AVON and I enjoy their products and I am glad I found it again. I have decided I need to spend more time working on my AmeriPlan Business. I am going to get my Finances in order so I can spend more time with my Businesses and Schooling. I am still working towards getting a Car. But I have already got that part figured out.
I decided I want to begin working towards working from home. This is important. I LOVE My Job but I really do not have enough time on my hands...and I only spend about 1-2 hours a night with my daughter before she has to go to bed.
I am also looking into better organization and time management. I am working on both.
IN the near future I would like to get back into Affiliate/Internet Marketing but for the time being I am happy with what I am doing.
Here comes the big sigh...Like any normal person, I am feeling lonely :( and I don't like dating and I have my daughter to think about...but, what to do to get over the loneliness? I think I am one of those people who are meant to spend their lives alone...just like my father. Every person I meet is just disappointing. I know that may sound shallow but in my eyes, I see the truth. Why convince myself that they could be the right person?
So to cure my loneliness I throw myself into my work and business plus I spend alot of time online.
Now looking back I cannot believe how much of my life has changed and what transitions I have went through. High School Student to Married to Pregnant in Mexico to returning to going to Job Corps to being a Temp to finally finding a Permanent Job as a Single Mom. My head is spinning just to think about it.
I have work tomorrow and have to get up at 6 am and I am just not tired or I just don't care at the moment?
Oh this whole AVON/AmeriPlan thing has really sparked interest in my family. My brother is thinking of signing up as a Rep and so is my mom to help me make Unit Leader. They saw how much sales I had made and now my brother is interested in it. It is really awesome.
My Goals with AVON are to be Senior Executive Unit Leader and Certified Beauty Advisor Trainer (ask your AVON Rep).
My Goals with AmeriPlan are to become National Sales Director and enroll over 10,000 Members.
I would really like to lose a few pounds. I am doing good these past couple of days with the caffeine and food but I also plan to schedule in some time for that as well.
Well have to try to sleep!
Monday, April 18, 2005
Blocking Wealth?
No, I don't think so! Then, why do I feel I have blocked my capacity to obtain wealth? Do I want wealth? Of Course!
I have a couple of side businesses- I sell AVON and AmeriPlan. I started selling AVON because I was a little frustrated because I haven't made a sell with it yet. Yet, with AVON I have already made quite a few. But AVON is AVON.
Then I also realized it would take alot of numbers to make alot of money with both these businesses. I also realized that I do not have the right mind set and I need to change my way of thinking.
Anyway, just some thoughts I will keep pondering.
Sunday, April 17, 2005
1) Save Money for a Car- Right now I have $319.00 saved for a Car. I am still working towards it.
2) Work 10 hours on my Business- I am now also selling AVON and I am doing pretty good actually! I am looking towards becoming a Unit Leader & Certified Beauty Advisor for AVON. Plus, I would like to become Regional Sales Director for AmeriPlan. I know it is doable but I am still wanting to do more training. Providing Products and Services AKA "Selling" is not very easy but I will become very good! I know it.
3) My next goal is to be working full time from home by next year and have enough for a downpayment on a house. Is it doable? I think so!
Sunday, April 10, 2005
Businesses that I had tried....
Right now I Am doing AVON and AmeriPlan.
Affiliate Marketing
Credit Solutions/Mortgage Minder Mail Order Business (Returning-the start-up is too high)
BACK IN 2000:
Don Lapre (Marketing Chat Lines)
Big Planet
Bought Work from Home Lists (It was $5.00 and a decent list but now this information is more attainable)
Ideal Craft (Assembling Spiders-VERY HARD)
Bought Auction and Foreclosure Lists (Not a good idea!)
Saturday, April 02, 2005
Some Updates
Well, lets see, I spend most of my time at work so I have been studying good with my Online classes. I try to take things a week by week basis since everything is do at tbe end of the week.
I SPLURGED my last paycheck and did not save a penny towards my Car. I am not regretful but it wasn't a good thing to do either.
What I bought was some things that can help me with my Business and I am also trying out some other things.
*I decided to become a Rep for AVON. I figure it is the easiest Product to sell. So I am going to do this supplementing my Ameriplan and Job.
*I also purchased from this other program which I have been curious about for over 2 years. I will eventually try it out but since it is a Mail Order Product it will cost more to profit from.
*Purchased another Subliminal/Paraliminal CD titled 'Sales Leap'
I love using them.
-Save up $700 for a Car to purchase at a Car Auction
-Put ad in Paper for 13 weeks advertising Discount Health Care ($60)
-Gain 7 Customers for AVON in Campaign 8 with a total Sales of $150.00
Sunday, March 27, 2005
Re-Evaluation of Goals & Resolutions
Goals/Resolutions I want to concentrate on:
1) Saving $500+ for a Car
Car Saving Total: $130.00
2) Work 10 hours a week on Homebased Business
Goals are to make $500 a month and become RSD (4 Brokers & 6 Members)
3) Save Money-at least $5,000 by the end of the year for a down payment on a house.
This goal is on hold till I can get my Car.
Ok here are my goals.
Friday, March 18, 2005
A good Couple of Days
First on Thursday my mother used my Discount Health Care from my business and she saved 50% on her Prescription and instead of being a Skeptic she is now a Supporter. :)
Then I just keep getting all these people wanting more information about my Business and I call them during my breaks at work and give them information about the Discount Health Care and the Business. I tell my friends and family I am not prepared yet and they remind me it is "just practice" so I talk to them and let them know about the plan. I haven't been advertising at all either!
Now at work, we had a Health Fair and I got all kinds of goodies and then I just found out I am going to meet the Real Estate Guru in April and I am SOOOOOOOO Excited! I am going to be sure to get my Photo Op with him!
Monday, March 14, 2005
Motivational Speaker
I remember in High School, we had an Assembly and this guy, I guess he went from School to School and he was very Inspirational Motivational Speaker. I LOVE his story and people always want to hear yours so that they know that they can go from rock bottom to anywhere they want to be.
Also when I think of Motivational Speakers-I think of Anthony Robbins and he just inspires me from his Infomercials. Sometimes late at night I look for his Infomericals. LOL. I plan to buy his Get the Edge sometime here soon.
Anyway, motivate yourself! I believe in YOU and I know you can do it! Fufill Your Dreams (that are Legal and Moral) and don't listen to anyone else!
Sunday, March 13, 2005
Affiliate Marketing
I would Love to have a website where people can go and chit chat and learn more information and of course enjoy the products. I have always thought of doing kind of a Self-Help Review website. I listen to Subliminal CDs, I read books and I love Anthony Robbins.
But it is a great thought and I would love to do it at a later date.
Saturday, March 12, 2005
Movies........Salsa Dancing
At my Job, I call people to let them know they have services available with a certain product and when I call they are just Rush, Rush, Rush! They don't have time to sit down and talk for a couple of minutes...also, if you look at it people need to look outside in order to see what really NEED on the inside. Then, not only does it MAKE YOU HAPPY but those also in your Circle are more happy as well. I am a Strong Believer in the Butterfly Effect. Can you IMAGINE if everyone was Positive? Instead people get stuck in Routines, quit caring and are negative. Why do you think most people want to make money? Because they want TIME, they want to be able to do the things they LOVE with the PEOPLE that they LOVE. But who says you need money to do that? No one! You just have to PLAN to do those things.
Anyway, I had ALWAYS wanted to take Salsa Dancing. I think since I first saw the original "Dirty Dancing" when I was about 8 years old? Now I am 22 and I still have not taken them. Dancing I think would be SO FUN if you knew how to do it and Salsa for me is sensual kind of dance that just makes you feel more alive because of all the moving you are doing. I AM going to take Salsa Dancing one of these days.
Friday, March 11, 2005
My Goal is to conquer the Sales/MLM World. Why would I want to do that? Because it is a FUN Industry. I chose Sales/MLM because I am not a good Communicator and I love owning my own Business and when you own a Business, what do you usually have to do? SALE! When you sale you ALWAYS have to communicate. So basically this will be knocking alot of birds with one stone. LOL.
Had to Post again....
I had found a Permanent Job, which was #1 on my list. I have started a Savings Account to SAVE Money and that is #3, I am getting close to #2 which is buying a Car. I am ACCOMPLISHING and that is enough for me this moment.
Although I do have PLENTY OF ideas for MORE Income boosters since that is where my focus is to be Financially Independent.
You will be hearing MORE!
My First Goal
Now, I got My Drivers License at 21 while attending Job Corps and NOW 22, I am trying to save up for a Car. Isn't that funny how Life works?
I am a little afraid of the road. I do not have really any experience at all. So, the first couple of months I do NOT dare drive with my Daughter.
I decided I am going to attend a Car Auction and purchase my next vehicle.
WHY My First Goal NOW?
1) IT will HELP ME Tremendously with my MLM Business and normal stuff in general
2) It is one of my New Years Resolution! My Second one.
3) I think it is necessary in Life to get around and run errands
Tuesday, March 08, 2005
Sunday, March 06, 2005
Well my Job is going well. All My bosses are nice and I have GREAT benefits. I also met and talked to alot of people at work and I am planning a Potluck for my team. I am going to try to do the best job I possibly can and learn Spanish again so I can get promoted.
My Daughter is walking and practically talking. I am so proud but she is showing signs that she is spoiled. Which I am trying to break her of that. She is a smart girl and being a Single Mom I could see how it would be easy for her to take advantage of Me.
Monday I am going to begin Fresh. I am working towards the $500 bonus my MLM business is having to become RSD. I am hoping that will motivate me to try to achieve Success with my business.
Well I am done with my two College Classes and I registered for two more. I am now going to be taking Principles of Marketing and English Composition. I also discovered my Grant only covers me until June so I will have to reapply again. I also know that my Job offers Tuition Reimbursement so I am going to make sure I qualify for that. Which I believe I do.
I am really getting motivated on this non-spending kick. But I realize I will have to spend money so I am going to try to supplement my income in other places.
My Brother finally decided to go to Job Corps, I believe he leaves at the end of the month. I know it will do him some good to go.
Sunday, February 27, 2005
Diet .......Budget
AS it was a New Years Resolution, I need to go through with it! We are at the end of February already.
Diet is NOT a Bad Word. Diet means controlling your eating habits and it doesn't matter if you are fat or thin everyone needs to DIET by eating healthy.
I, myself had purchased some generic weight loss shakes and will be using them as a meal replacement for lunch time at work.
I am also working on another one of my New Years Resolution Goals by Saving Money so I can have a Car. I am also looking into part-time employment.
I had also FOUND A PERMANENT JOB! Which was one of my New Years Resolutions for 2005.
So I am slowly getting off of my feet to achieve my new goals. :)
Sunday, February 20, 2005
Right now in my thoughts of thoughts I am deciding a new approach to my life. Am I going through depression? Is that why I am no longer motivated?
I had finally got a permanent new Job with a company's main source of business is Marketing...PERFECT! I like My Job, it has benefits and pay is ok for a Single Mom.
Before that I had a bad temp Job with no future.
Now My Main Focus, most of the time is My Daughter and MY Business. I have not had any luck in sales and I have had no experience in Sales which makes it a little diffcult for me to achieve Success in My Business. But My World is surrounded by the Sales Industry if you look at my Major in College which is Marketing; My New Job is all about Marketing a certain product that you see in an late night infomercial (I am doing Customer Service aspect because of lack of Sales Experience).
But now...I am dragging and I feel helpless...and I am letting just life bring me is a horrible feeling! I am usually on the up and up! Sigh. I don't know and I hope things change in the next couple of days.
Tuesday, February 15, 2005
I Love My Job!
Sunday, February 06, 2005
2005 Resolutions
2005 New Year Resolutions:
1) Find a Permanent Job
2) Save Money to Buy a Car
3) Save Money
4) Exercise 5 Times a Week
5) Eat more Fruits & Veggies and other Healthful Foods
6) *Work on Health Care Business at least 10 Hours a Week
7) Start Reading again
8) Organization
9) Began Cooking with New Recipes
10) Network more with People in My Area
12) Take Better Care of Myself & My Daughter
13) Study more for Online Classes
I will be working on these Goals Daily and will note My Progress via Blog.
Friday, February 04, 2005
The Bible
It depresses Me when I hear the horrible things that happen. I decided I am going to start reading the Bible and then probably, eventually go to Church. I am not very good Spiritually right now but as one of my Challenges, I am working on it. The reason I chose to is because I know God exists and maybe he feels I do not acknowledge him but I am very confused.
All signs in Revelation point to the World Coming to an End. I have thought of doing a Blog based on my thoughts of the Bible but decided not to because they are between me and God and the World already exposes Religion enough. If you think of the recent movies, products and books for sale, I don't think it was His Intention for Us to Market Products based on the Nature of God.
I believe The Bible is the only REAL Truth that speaks of God. I have no faith in Religion, and yes I did say I would go to Church but you never know which would hold the true knowledge of God plus I also said I am working on my Spiritual issues.
I am very excited for Armageddon. It will be the end of all Evil in the World. I had first had some issues of that happening but I do not want to be "attached" to this wicked world.
Well here is what happened today, I was at work as usual and one of the Team Leads walked up to me and told me I had a Job Interview with their Company! Boy, was I EXCITED and caught off guard. Well, time came and I was at the Interview and they had started interviewing me and then the first question that they had asked me was "So, what is your experience with Call Center work?" and I had straight up told them that this abc company was the first place I had done Call Center work before. Then the interview stopped. Because in order to work for abc company you need to have at least one year call center experience. I wasn't supposed to be a Temp for this position but the Agency let me work for abc company anyway! So the agency knew but the company didn't. So they told me in a year I could reapply and have my experience for the position. I shook their hands and thanked them then left the room and went back to work. Funny story!
My First thought was how funny one moment you have an Job Opportunity in your hands and then the next moment it disappears! So, I was a little upset but glad it was over with and then I had some actual GOOD NEWS!
The Company I had went for a Job Interview (twice by the way) had finally called me TWICE and told me they had a possible Job for Me! I am so happy!
Tuesday, February 01, 2005
Mommy Advice
Anyway, I did everything she said. Play with her and then plan a quiet hour and then lay her down to sleep in her Crib with no bottle. Well, the first three options worked except not giving her the bottle. I know, I know. Shame on Me. This is the first time I put her in her Crib and it worked! But I think it worked because when she was a baby my mom put her in the crib next to her and she also sleeps in the crib at the babysitters.
Being a Single Mom is hard. I am too tired to visit with her after work and I just need to discipline her more and spend more time with her. Today I did really well with my baby girl.
Monday, January 31, 2005
Business Opportunities
I have been a victim to it and I am sure many of you have. I am also admittingly a former Business Opportunity Junkie too so I have seen the crap they put out there.
My question is, how can someone take advantage of someone else? Shouldn't you feel GUILTY? Right now I am currently working with a Discount Health Care Company called Ameriplan. I like it and I haven't heard anything bad about it. I help those who cannot get Health Insurance which is the majority in the USA. Over 45 million to be exact. My point is I wouldn't have joined if the product were bad.
I am out to sell a GOOD SERVICE not a Business Opportunity to potential clients and/or customers.
Sunday, January 30, 2005
Internet Gurus & Celebrities
I bring this up because I see it alot on the Web. The Cyberworld is a whole other place and with Internet Talk Radio and Video Conferencing via the Web it makes it easier to Network and to communicate quicker.
We have Famous Gurus for Getting more Traffic, we have Internet Models such as Cindy Margolis then we have famous people within Communities like WAHM (Work at Home Moms) who also have their own appeal.
The Internet has served a HUGE purpose for me. When I was 16 I obtained photographers for photo shoots. I have found my Life Coach on the Internet. My Home Business. It is endless to how the Internet has helped me.
I love Networking, especially on the Web.
Chasing Childhood Dreams
The reason why I ask is because I am a 22 year old Single Mom persuing a Home Business to be able to Work at Home and be with My Daughter. But, for Me, is that all there is? I mean yes it is a Wonderful thing but I also thought I would be a lot Fufilling Life and instead I went backwards in My Life and I am trying to move Myself forward again.
When I was 16 I wanted to Model, Act and Sing. Yes, I know it is 'typical' but who says I cannot still do those things? Is there a Law Book out there that I do not know about Persuing Childhood Dreams? I could work on my figure a little bit and maybe go and speak to agencies or audition for movies/TV on my own. I don't know.
I had been thinking about this since I noticed that a 'Mom' on the Web had began persuing her Dream of Recording and she runs her own Affiliate Website of where she makes Profit to be able to stay at home. Then, I also noticed my Upline who is now in the 100k is building a Recording Studio in her Home.
I believe we not only make money to not only be able to stay at Home with our beloved Children but also to make our Dreams come true!
I would really love to hear your feedback on the Subject.
Thank you
Saturday, January 29, 2005
Job Search.....again!
I am still working diligently on my Home Business. I really enjoy it and I have learned alot. If you would like to learn more about how I am doing with my Home Business then you can read about it at my Blog . I have been focus too much on worrying and training and realize I need to take MORE Action with my Home Business especially if I plan on working from Home in a couple of years.
Right now I feel like I am at a state of confusion or I am in some kind of rut and I don't know why. I look around and I see all these people Succeeding and I Work on my Business as much as I can and I am just not doing as well. I have PLENTY of Ambition and Determination. "Giving Up" isn't even in my vocabulary. What is the issue then?
Maybe do I not have enough patience?
Shame on ME! I haven't been doing very well with my Online Classes. I know, I know I decided I am going to start taking my homework to Work. I work in a Call Center and when there is dead time I can read and I can also do it on my Breaks and Lunch. I am taking "Introduction to Business" and "Music Appreciation" I don't know if you can believe this but I think my Music Appreciation Class is harder!
I have learned and I know not to be so
Openin my Blog. I cannot help it. In the beginning I was more open but I know I can just stick to an general issue. I am trying to be an Intelligent Person that I am and not make myself look like a Fool ;) . But, for all those who do read my Blog(s). Thanks! Leave me a comment and I will check out yours!
It amazes me how wonderful these moms do on the web with their Home Businesses. I know it doesn't take overnight but some just follow all the steps and make it happen! I cannot wait till I can show the same Results.
Monday, January 24, 2005
Second Interview...
Well still working as a Temp. If I began working Permanently then I will start Training February 14th.
I am so happy though! My Mother and Brother surprised me by Organizing my room, it is such a relief now I just need to get some shelves.
I am so tired right now it is hard for me continue with my News. So I am going to sleep!
Thursday, January 20, 2005
Life Coach......Job Interview........Temp Work
I HIRED A LIFE COACH. Yes, she is smart, successful and she gives great advice. Everything went so fast though! I mean, first I e-mailed her questions and then we did the initial free session and NOW she is MY LIFE COACH. A Life Coach is someone who pretty much helps you get into the right direction in life. There are plenty of more detailed ways of describing what a Life Coach does for you but they are great if you are in a RUT and REALLY want to CHANGE Your LIFE for the BETTER. Anyway, our schedule is talking every Wednesday and then I "check in" with follow-ups and how I am progressing.
Job Interview- Yes, I had a Great Job Interview to be a Sales Person. Yay! I JUST LOVE SALES! This will be my first if I am hired. I have only worked in Customer Service and now I found something to where I will not only be permanent but I will be making .50 more. Well, he said I would know within a week if I am able to come back for a second interview and if I am hired training starts February 14th. Right now as a Temp I make $10.50 so a little pay raise will be great! Speaking of being a Temp...
We were notified today that they will extend our stay as associates for the company in FSA accounts. Cool too, it could give me a couple of months to find a Job if I am not hired.
Well, my business has slowed down a bit...I have not been able to JUMP on it like I had planned. BUT I WILL.
Also I haven't quit eating. I will go to the grocery store and by $20 in junk food. What is the matter with me? I can feel the fat growing on my chin, thighs and stomach. The new year is supposed to be a NEW Me. I am just tired and worn down. Why am I doing this to myself?
Monday, January 17, 2005
Well I did it!
After mentioning in my post the last time, I actually thought about it and then I remembered that I had been networking with one recently and I e-mailed her and asked her some questions and I decided, she could help me get my life on track. She is after all a Life Coach plus I really feel she can give me the support I need. So, we are setting up a date to schedule an Initial Consultation. This may sound silly but I am actually nervous. We will be interacting once a week about issues I need help resolving and figuring out. She is a really Smart and Successful Work at Home Mom and I would really love her guidance.
I had also quit my Coaching for Internet website I just do not have time to understand and fill my head with the information on getting Traffic. I do love the ladies who had helped me but I know I will be back later. This is something I need to digest on my own with articles and such and then when I began to understand what I am learning return to the Internet Marketing website.
My Online Classes so far are ok. I am doing good in my Business class but bad in my Music class. I know, I know, I need to get on the ball and I am working towards it.
My Sponsor for AMP is going to help me Organize and straighten out things in my basement apartment.
It is really sad that I have no support from my family, not even with College! And you wonder why I always seek out Positive Influences?
I will probably be getting assistance with Child Care. It is impossible to save money, pay rent & child care and be able to afford a Car and move out.
I also applied to the company I have been Temping for since October and I recieved an e-mail confirmation that I am just NOT what they are looking for. Well you know what! They are not what I am looking for either! So, I am going to start actively looking for work while I am still Temping till I can get AMP off the ground.
I had applied for two jobs via web. I am hoping to hear from them some time this week.
Sunday, January 16, 2005
The only thing I concentrate on is by AmeriPlan Business, Online College and taking care of my daughter.
I have been thinking seriously about the World Events and such and how it seems close to the world coming to end. All the events play in Relevation in The Bible. Which makes me think "why should I make myself better?" I am still putting alot of work into AmeriPlan but I just feel disgusted with myself. I am maybe lost and confused.
I never realized how impossible it is to get a Bible. I think I will buy one Online since I buy everything Online. To feel Protected and Prepared. Also I don't consider any religion a good religion. AND that is my HONEST Opinon!
I thought I would get my room organized and I haven't. Maybe I need a Life Coach! I will do a search on that too. I already know a Life Coach, someone I network with, I e-mailed her with some questions.
I love the fact that they have a Coach/Mentor for everything nowadays. I just hate men right now too. I don't want to be with anyone, very much less date. I could have had a date with this DJ from the radio station that my mom insanely listens to and well I never e-mailed him back. I am thinking "So, I am supposed to date this guy because he is a DJ?" and my mom says look at how much Networking you could do.I don't depend on people to give me things and I like it that way, especially MEN.
Well Online Schooling is doing OK. I am finding it impossible to get my daughter to cooperate with me so I can have more time to get work done.
I am really considering hiring a Life Coach.
Well I asked my sponsor to help me out in my apartment so I can get more organized. She said she would.
More Later